#ChantryPlaceRainbow – interview with a NHS nurse
News: 8 April 2021
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The #ChantryPlaceRainbow is raising money for The Jenny Lind Children’s Hospital, part of the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals (NNUH) NHS Foundation Trust. It is a major centre for specialist paediatric services in the East of England, providing acute specialist care and supporting babies, children and young people and their families.
We caught up with nurse Lucy Weavers to find out more…
Lucy, can you tell us about yourself and how long you have worked with the NHS?
I am a nurse with over 28 years’ experience in the NHS and I am currently the Nurse Director for the Women’s and Children’s Division and the Jenny Lind Children’s Hospital at the NNUH. I am hugely proud to be part of the Jenny Lind team working in partnership with Children Young People and their families to improve the care we deliver.
How has the last year impacted on the fundraising and services you provide for the NNUH/Jenny Lind?
We have been very fortunate during the last year with members of the public, companies and organisations supporting their local NHS hospital and its staff in many ways, with many people learning about the N&N Hospitals Charity for the first time and realising you can support your local hospital in such a way.
We hope that people will continue to support us in the future and that they realise that donations to the Jenny Lind Children’s Hospital make a huge difference and enable us to do so much more for our young patients and their families. We hope people will want to give to the Jenny Lind Children’s Hospital and be part of the difference even small donations can have. With their extra support we can really enhance our new strategy, including our Children’s Theatres build, High Dependency Unit, Children’s Emergency Department and a new Critical Care Unit we are planning for the future.
With regards to providing clinical serves at the Jenny Lind Children’s Hospital during the pandemic, we have strived to continue to offer a complete service throughout the year, through either virtual platforms or face to face care.
How proud do you feel of the way the public have celebrated and embraced the NHS and everyone who works for it?
As a nurse and a mum, I am so proud to call Norfolk home. The support has been amazing, people have really shown us how much they care and value what we in the NHS have achieved, especially in the last year. We were doing our jobs, but having this level of support has meant so much.
Did and does it brighten your day when you see a rainbow in someone’s window?
Always, and my children drew loads of rainbows, whilst they were at home for our own windows.
How do you feel about the rainbow fundraising initiative by Chantry Place?
I hope that the Rainbow makes everyone smile and encourages people to give a little to support their local Children’s Hospital.
What happens with the money people donate via the QR code?
All money will go to our Jenny Lind Children’s Hospital Fund, and will make a difference to the children in that area. Money will go to projects like enhancing the new Children’s Theatres we are building in 2021 and making this an even better place for babies, children, young people and their families. Thank you for all your support.
Can you tell us more about the Jenny Lind Children’s Hospital?
Jenny Lind Children’s Hospital is one of the largest teaching trusts in the country and the second oldest children’s hospital after Great Ormond Street. We are a major centre for specialist paediatric services in the East of England, providing acute specialist care for patients from across Norfolk, including Great Yarmouth and King’s Lynn, and Ipswich in Suffolk. Our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit routinely welcomes parents from Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire.
Our specialist paediatric consultants, nurses and wider healthcare teams offer a wide range of diagnosis, treatment and support facilities for children and their parents.
Donate via the QR code at the Rainbow or at https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/jennylindchildrenshospital